Universität Bayreuth
Angelika Mustroph
Frau Prof. Dr. Angelika Mustroph
Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät II - Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Juniorprofessur für Pflanzengenetik
Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät II - Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Juniorprofessur für Pflanzengenetik
Universitätsstr. 30
95440 Bayreuth
Praxisrelevante Forschungsgebiete:- Reaktionen von Pflanzen auf Sauerstoffmangel
- Transkriptionelle Regulation der Sauerstoffmangel-Antwort
- Charakterisierung der pflanzlichen Phosphofructokinasen
Praxisrelevante Ausstattung/Messmethoden:
- Molekularbiologische und biochemische Methoden
- Pflanzentransformation
- Riber W, Müller JT, Visser EJ, Sasidharan R, Voesenek LA, Mustroph A (2015) The greening after extended darkness 1 is an N-end rule pathway mutant with high tolerance to submergence and starvation. Plant Physiol 167: 1616-1629
- Klecker M, Gasch P, Peisker H, Dörmann P, Schlicke H, Grimm B, Mustroph A (2014) A shoot-specific hypoxic response of Arabidopsis thaliana sheds light on the role of the phosphate-responsive transcription factor PHR1. Plant Physiol 165: 774-790
- Mustroph A, Barding GA, Kaiser KA, Larive CK, Bailey-Serres J (2014) Characterization of distinct root and shoot responses to low-oxygen stress in Arabidopsis with a focus on primary C- and N-metabolism. Plant Cell Environ 37: 2366-2380
- Akman M, Bhikharie A, Mustroph A, Sasidharan R (2014) Extreme flooding tolerance in Rorippa. Plant Signal Behav. 9: e27847
- Mustroph A, Hess N, Sasidharan R (2014) Hypoxic energy metabolism and PPi as an alternative energy currency. J.T. van Dongen and F. Licausi (eds.), Low-Oxygen Stress in Plants, Plant Cell Monographs 21: 165-184, Springer-Verlag Wien
- van Veen H, Mustroph A, Barding GA, Vergeer-van Eijk M, Welschen-Evertman RA, Pedersen O, Visser EJ, Larive CK, Pierik R, Bailey-Serres J, Voesenek LA, Sasidharan R (2013) Two Rumex species from contrasting hydrological niches regulate flooding tolerance through distinct mechanisms. Plant Cell 25: 4691-4707
- Sasidharan R, Mustroph A, Boonman A, Akman M, Ammerlaan AM, Breit T, Schranz ME, Voesenek LA, van Tienderen PH (2013) Root transcript profiling of two Rorippa species reveals gene clusters associated with extreme submergence tolerance. Plant Physiology 163: 1277-1292
- Mustroph A, Stock J, Hess N, Aldous S, Dreilich A, Grimm B (2013) Characterization of the phosphofructokinase gene family in rice and its expression under oxygen deficiency stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 4:125
- Mustroph A, Zanetti ME, Girke T, Bailey-Serres J (2013) Isolation and analysis of mRNAs from specific cell types of plants by ribosome immunopurification. Methods in Molecluar Biology 959: 277-302
Kooperationsangebot für die Wirtschaft / Praxis:
Bevorzugte Form der Kooperation:
- Bachelor-/Master-/Diplomarbeit
- Doktorarbeit
Bestehende Kooperationen:
Mit Hochschulen:
Dr. Rashmi Sasidharan
Universität Utrecht
seit 2010
Prof. Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres
Universität Riverside/ USA
seit 2006
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