Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Mark Vetter

Herr Prof. Dr. Mark Vetter
Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
FKV Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessung
Münzstraße 12
97070 Würzburg
+49 931 3511-8249

Praxisrelevante Forschungsgebiete:
  • VR und AR in der Kartographie
  • GIS
  • Limnologie
  • Umweltmodellierung

  • Einzelwerke
  • M. Vetter: Landschaftsökologische Analysen im Königsseeeinzugsgebiet (2003)
  • Sammelwerke
  • L. C. Bruce , M. A. Frassl, G. B. Arhonditsis , G. Gal, D. P. Hamilton, P. C. Hanson, A. L. Hetherington, J. M. Melack, J. S. Read, K. Rinke, A. Rigosi, D. Trolle, L. Winslow, R. Adrian, A. I. Ayala, S. A. Bocaniov, B. Boehrer, C. Boon, J. D. Brookes, T. Bueche, B. D. Busch, D. Copetti, A. Cortés, E. de Eyto, J. A. Elliott, N. Gallina, Y. Gilboa, N. Guyennon, L. Huang, O. Kerimoglu, J. D. Lenters, S. MacIntyre, V. Makler-Pick, C. G. McBride, S. Moreira, D. Ozkundakci, M. Pilotti, F. J. Rueda, J. A. Rusak, N. R. Samal, M. Schmid, T. Shatwell, C. Snorthheim, F. Soulignac, G. Valerio, L. van der Linden, M. Vetter, B. Vinçon-Leite, J. Wang, M. Weber, C. Wickramaratne, R. Iestyn Woolway, H. Yao, M. R. Hipsey: A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory Network (26. April 2018) M. Vetter: GIS – Das richtige Programm für die Energiewende, Bausteine der Energiewende, pp. 557-569 (January 2018) M. Vetter: Stoffhaushalt im Ammersee und in seinem Einzugsgebiet im Spiegel von Landnutzungsänderungen, Landschaftsökologie, Edition: 5, Chapter: 7.8, Publisher: Eugen Ulmer, Editors: Hartmut Leser, Jörg Löffler, pp.339-346 (September 2017) A. Sousa, J. Morales, M. Vetter, L. G. Barrón: Tendencias y causas de los cambios a escala secular en las lagunas de Doñana, El Sistema de Lagunas Temporales de Doñana, una red de hábitats acuáticos singulares, Chapter: Tendencias y causas de los cambios a escala secular en las lagunas de Doñana, Publisher: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Spain, Editors: Carmen Díaz-Paniagua, pp.77-99 (January 2015) V. Vetter, M. A. Alba, A. Sousa: APROXIMACIÓN A LOS ESCENARIOS CLIMÁTICOS FUTUROS EN EL PARQUE NACIONAL DE DOÑANA, El Sistema de Lagunas Temporales de Doñana, una red de hábitats acuáticos singulares, Chapter: APROXIMACIÓN A LOS ESCENARIOS CLIMÁTICOS FUTUROS EN EL PARQUE NACIONAL DE DOÑANA, Publisher: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Editors: Carmen Díaz-Paniagua, pp.105-108 (January 2015) F. Barnikel, M. Vetter: Earthquakes in History Ways to Find out About the Seismic Past of a Region, Earthquake Research and Analysis - Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology (February 2012) A. Sousa, L. G. Barrón, M. Vetter, M. A. Alba, P. G. Murillo, J. Morales: EL EFECTO ACUMULADO DE LOS IMPACTOS CLIMÁTICOS Y ANTROPOGÉNICOS SOBRE LOS HUMEDALES DEL SUROESTE DE ESPAÑA, CAMBIO CLIMATICO EXTREMOS E IMPACTOS, Chapter: El efecto acumulado de los impactos climáticos y antropogénicos sobre los humedales del suroeste de España, Editors: ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE CLIMATOLOGIA, pp.971-979 (January 2012)
  • Zeitschriften-Veröffentlichungen
  • D. Edler, A. Husar, J. Keil, F. Dickmann, M.Vetter: Virtual Reality (VR) and Open Source Software: A Workflow for Constructing an Interactive Cartographic VR Environment to Explore Urban Landscapes, Kartographische Nachrichten (February 2018) T. Bueche, D. P. Hamilton, M. Vetter: Using the General Lake Model (GLM) to simulate water temperatures and ice cover of a medium-sized lake: a case study of Lake Ammersee, Germany, Environmental Earth Sciences (July 2017) M. Zollhöfer, C. Siegl, M. Vetter, B. Dreyer, M. Stamminger, S. Aybek, F. Bauer: Low-Cost Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Excavation Sites, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 9(1):1-20 (November 2015)  A. Sousa, L. G. Barrón, P. G. Murillo, M. Vetter, J. Morales: The use of changes in small coastal Atlantic brooks in southwestern Europe as indicators of anthropogenic and climatic impacts over the last 400 years, Journal of Paleolimnology 53(1):73-88 (January 2015)  F. Barnikel, H. Ellbrunner, M. Vetter: Teaching Spatial Competence Today – From Analogue Maps to Geocaching Raumkompetenz lehren heute – Von der analogen Karte zum Geocaching, Kartographische Nachrichten 2014(5):257-262 (October 2014) A. Sousa, L. G. Barrón, M. Vetter, J. Morales: The Historical Distribution of Main Malaria Foci in Spain as Related to Water Bodies, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11(8):7896-7917 (August 2014)  T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Future alterations of thermal characteristics in a medium-sized lake simulated by coupling a regional climate model with a lake model, Climate Dynamics Springer Berlin Heidelberg:1-14 (July 2014)  T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Influence of groundwater inflow on water temperature simulations of Lake Ammersee using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake model, Erdkunde 68(1):19-31 (April 2014)  T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Simulating water temperatures and stratification of a pre-alpine lake with a hydrodynamic model: Calibration and sensitivity analysis of climatic input Parameters, Hydrological Processes (January 2014)  S. Weinberger, M. Vetter: Lake heat content and stability variation due to climate change: Coupled regional climate model (REMO)-lake model (DYRESM) Analysis, Journal of limnology 73 (January 2014)  M. Heckmeier, T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Modellierung des Wärme- und Stoffhaushaltes des Ammersees mit dem GLM und FABM, Marburger geographische Schriften 147:145 - 168 (January 2014)  S. Weinberger, M. Vetter: Using the hydrodynamic model DYRESM based on results of a regional climate model to estimate water temperature changes at Lake Ammersee, Ecological Modelling 244:38-48 (October 2012) A. Sousa, M. Vetter: Past and current trophic development in Lake Ammersee – Alterations in a normal range or possible signals of climate change?, Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 180(1):41-57 (February 2012) O. Baume, M. Vetter: Environmental change in the catchment of the Konigsses (Berchtesgadener Alps) - causes, effects, Solutions (January 2003)
  • Konferenzbeiträge
  • T. Bueche, F. Giadrossich, M. Vetter: Modellierung des Wärmehaushaltes eines flachen mediterranen Sees, Conference: 48. Jahrestreffen des AK Hydrologie, At München (June 2017) F. Giadrossich, T. Bueche, S. Pulina, R. Marrosu, B. M. Padedda, M. A. Mariani, M. Vetter, D. Cohen, M. Pirastru, M. Niedda, A. Lugliè: Monitoring and modeling water temperature and trophic status of a shallow Mediterranean lake, Conference: EGU General Assembly 2017, At Vienna (April 2017) M. Vetter, B. Dreyer: Geomatic Methods Supporting The Investigation Of Ancient History, Conference: EUROCARTO (November 2015) M. Zollhöfer, C. Siegl, B. Riffelmacher, M. Vetter, B. Dreyer, M. Stamminger, F. Bauer: Low-Cost Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Excavation Sites using an RGB-D Camera, Conference: EUROGRAPHICS (May 2015) S. Weinberger, T. Bueche, M. Vetter: IT-Tools zur hydrodynamischen Klimawandel-Impact Modellierung, Conference: 21. Workshop Arbeitskreis Umweltinformationssysteme - UIS 2014 (May 2014) S. Weinberger, T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Climate and human impacts on Lake Ammersee -Alterations in a normal range?, Conference: EGU 2012, At Vienna, Volume: 14 (April 2012) T. Bueche, M. Vetter: Anpassung des thermodynamischen Wasserhaushaltsmodells DYRESM zur Simulation des ökologischen Zustandes des Ammersees im Klimawandel unter Verwendung des regionalen Klimamodells WETTREG, Conference: IALE-D Jahrestagung Abstractband, 12.- 14. Oktober 2011 (November 2011) S. Weinberger, M. Vetter: Validierung des hydrodynamischen Wärmehaushaltsmodells DYRESM am Ammersee zur Abschätzung limnologischer Klimawandelfolgen, Conference: IALE-D Jahrestagung 2011 (October 2011) S. Weinberger, M. Vetter: Validierung des hydrodynamischen Wärmehaushaltsmodells DYRESM am Ammersee zur Abschätzung limnologischer Folgen des Klimawandels, Conference: 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. (September 2011) S. Weinberger, M. Vetter: Validation of the hydrodynamic model DYRESM for Lake Ammersee- the sound basis to implement an aquatic ecological model, Conference: 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling (May 2011)
  • Research
  • T. Bueche, M. Vetter, S. Weinberger: Estimation of flood area and depth using ArcHydro Toolbox – Workflow, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4995.1441 (October 2015)

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